In a world of blood and cruelty, two teenagers find humanity in each other. Deep in the Canadian wilderness, a vicious cult, dedicated to an ideology of pain, trains children to become deadly assassins. In the midst of this world of cruelty, two teenagers break the cardinal rule--by falling in love. The only thing standing between them and happily ever after is an army of murderers with a taste for blood. Written by Jay Baruchel and Van Jensen, with art by Alessandro Micelli, Tear Us Apart shows just what lengths the human spirit will go to endure.
About the Author
Van Jensen was an award-winning journalist and crime reporter before becoming an author of comic books and graphic novels. He has written some of the world's biggest characters, including James Bond and, for DC Comics, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern Corps. He also has co-created acclaimed graphic novels and series including ARCA (IDW Publishing), Two Dead (Simon & Schuster), Cryptocracy (Dark Horse Comics), and Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer (Top Shelf Comix). Jensen's debut novel, Godfall (Flyover Fiction) is being adapted for TV with Ron Howard directing.
About the Author
Van Jensen was an award-winning journalist and crime reporter before becoming an author of comic books and graphic novels. He has written some of the world's biggest characters, including James Bond and, for DC Comics, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman and the Green Lantern Corps. He also has co-created acclaimed graphic novels and series including ARCA (IDW Publishing), Two Dead (Simon & Schuster), Cryptocracy (Dark Horse Comics), and Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer (Top Shelf Comix). Jensen's debut novel, Godfall (Flyover Fiction) is being adapted for TV with Ron Howard directing.
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