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Although many persons navigating through a journey of grief have sensed a deceased loved one's presence in the room, dreamed of their deceased loved one, or had deathbed visions, they are afraid to reveal these experiences. They fear being laughed at, not believed, dismissed, or called crazy. So, what are the dying and deceased trying to tell us that others are afraid to believe and hear?
Dr. Dee Stern relies on her experience as a hospital chaplain, parish/bereavement minister and grief therapist to share insights into the research and real-life experiences behind these different phenomena. This is to clear up confusion, help stop the ridicule, and remind others that what we say to the bereaved and others can make a big difference in not just their lives, but also ours. Dr. Stern identifies signs of the past, future, and present that are right in front of us. She shares the results of scientific research about various phenomena, and sites many stories from the bereaved about what they experienced from their deceased loved ones as well as insights into her own personal experiences as she witnessed signs from the dying.
Signs or Coincidence? shares real-life stories and research data from a grief therapist that encourages others to listen to and support those grieving and receiving messages from the dying and the deceased.