Treasure hunter Ben Gates (Nicolas Cage) embarks on a new adventure in director Jon Turtletaub's sequel to NATIONAL TREASURE. Ben and his father, Patrick (Jon Voight), take great pride in their ancestors and their family's devotion to the United States. When Mitch Wilkinson (Ed Harris) produces a page from the diary of Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth allegedly linking Ben's great-great grandfather to the plot, Ben and Patrick set out on a path to clear their family's name. Director Jon Turteltaub Star Nicolas Cage, Jon Voight, Harvey Keitel, Ed Harris, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha, Special Features: Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround English, French, Spanish Subtitles - French, Spanish Optional Additional Release Material: Audio Commentary Jon Turteltaub - Director; Jon Voight Actor.
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Justin Bartha, Jon Voight, Helen Mirren, Ed Harris, Harvey Keitel, Bruce Greenwood, Ty Burrell, Michael Maize, Robert Koch, Armando Riesco, Albert Hall, Brent Briscoe, Brad Rowe, Zachary Gordon, Peter Woodward, Oliver Muirhead, Larry Cedar, Troy Winbush, Billy Devlin, Richard Cutting, Michael Stone Forrest, Grant Thompson, Maryellen Aviano, Randy Travis, Stephen Hibbert, Glenn Beck, Demetri Goritsas, David Ury, Gerald Perreau, Michael McCafferty, John Travis, Mary C Firestone
Director: Brandon Vietti, Greg Weisman, Jerry Bruckheimer, Jon Turteltaub, Missy Papageorge
Rating: PG
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