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Gaining access to 60 hours of footage shot for the 1970 album making-of documentary "Let It Be," and utilizing cutting-edge restoration techniques, Peter Jackson delivered an astonishingly comprehensive window into the twilight days of The Beatles. Through three weeks of writing and rehearsal, culminating with their full January 1969 Apple Corps rooftop concert, the creative processes, fissuring tensions, and abiding affection amongst John, Paul, George, and Ringo are revealed as never before. 7 3/4 hrs. On three discs. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
Starring: John Lennon, Paul McCartney and The Frog Chorus, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Michael Lindsay-Hogg, Linda McCartney, Yoko Ono, Mal Evans, Maureen Starkey, Billy Preston, George Martin, Geoff Emerick