"Will likely inspire youngsters who are in a funk to seek joy in the unexpected as well as in the perfectly ordinary." -- Publishers Weekly What do you do when it seems as if nothing will make you happy? For one little girl, it's a good time to take a survey, from subjects including a quick little rabbit (running around in a wheel) and a snazzy centipede (shoes, lots of shoes). Scott Menchin's amusing story and his whimsical characters show us that doing what we love best can bring the biggest smiles of all.
About the Author Scott Menchin is the illustrator of the picture book WIGGLE by Doreen Cronin as well as MAN GAVE NAMES TO ALL THE ANIMALS, an award-winning children's book based on a hit song by Bob Dylan. He has created illustrations for TIME, NEWSWEEK, the NEW YORK TIMES, ROLLING STONE, and other publications, as well as for several major companies. Scott Menchin lives in New York City.